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sista soul

They say behind every successful man is a good woman. Sista Soul couldn’t agree more. Prompted by her

husband, the well-known Soul Saint, Sista donned an Afro and ‘70s garb and joined him in cheering on the black

and gold from their front-row seats in The Dome. The couple quickly became a favorite of the fans and cameras

during the game.

A New Orleans Ninth Ward native and Saints fan for as long as she can remember, Sista Soul’s favorite Saints

player of all time is Joe Horn. But she’s crazy about them all, and feels a maternal adoration for the guy on the field. That same instinct carries over to the many children’s charities she’s active in supporting as a Saints Super Fan.

Sista loves that she and her husband costume from the time period in their lives they enjoyed the most. Always a

bit camera shy, she’s gotten used to her popularity as a Super Fan. Her hope is that everyone comes out to

support the team and joins her in her favorite chant, “Move dem chains."



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